Palmbux V3 Coming Soon!
Hello people !!
First of all A very very happy birthday to Palmbux.!!
Its been a year now guys, And it feels its just like a dream.
So guys, V3 is almost here.
Visit this Link to see the countdown Timer.
But we are not going to Launch the whole of V3 together.!!
These are the following reasons:-
1.We have not tested all its features.
2.It has not been tested with the amount of users Palmbux has.
3.We dont want to overload the system resulting a crash.
4.We want to be 100% certain that all the bugs are fixed (Which we can only know when we test the script with you guys actually using it)
What Does this Mean?
This means V3 will be launched but only with its most essential features and the bugs which are fixed.
Once we are satisfied with the testing we will start implementing the features for you people (Which are already made)
We want to make to make V3 bug free and the best.
Will there be a Downtime?
Yes there will be but the exact downtime cant be determined.We estimate about 1 hour as of now.
So I hope You guys enjoy our new script and help us to make Palmbux a better place
Edit : Forgot to mention, there will surely be discounts. .So stay tuned .
- chaobuddy of Palmbux Forum
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