Upbux: PTC Review
Website URL: http://www.upbux.com
Company Name: Upbux
Whois Info: Public Alexa Traffic Rank: 7,946
Twitter URL: N/A
Blog URL: N/A
Upbux is a new pay per click site that allows advertisers to present their programs to members and the members get the opportunity to make money by viewing those ads. Members can earn up to 2 cents per click and up to 1 cent for each referral click. Advertisers can receive unique visitors to their websites at a very low cost and with the option to geo target the type of visitors they receive.
There are four levels of membership for Upbux. Standard membership (free) gives the user .01 cent per click and .005 cents for each referral click. Standard members are able to rent referrals for .26 cents each and can have up to 1000 rented referrals. The next membership level is Pioneer (which also appears to be free). Pioneer members receive .01 cent for each click and .005 for each referral click. The Pioneer cost for renting referrals is .25 cents each and they can have up to 2000 rented referrals.
There are two paid memberships in Upbux. The first is the Golden member. Golden membership costs $50 for six months and $80 for one year. Golden members receive .01 cents for each click as well as .01 for each referral click. Referral rentals cost .20 cents each and members can have up to 4000 rented referrals. The highest level of membership is the Ultimate membership which costs $480 for six months and $840 for one year. Ultimate members receive .02 cents for each click and .01 for each referral click. Referrals can be rented for .20 cents and Ultimate members can have up to 6000 rented referrals.
The only thing needed to set up an advertisement with Upbux is to fill out a short form and give payment. So they say, but I was unable to access any place within the site to order advertisements or get prices. Even after registering with the program there was still no information on advertising prices The home page does state that the advertising is inexpensive and it appears that an ad can be placed by a member from the members back office, but once again no prices are posted.
I could not find any payment proof online (outside of the Upbux forum), though there were a lot of payment proof mentioned on the forum itself. Most of the independent ratings on Upbux state that it is too soon for payment proofs at this time. Looking at the amount paid for each view, they are not outlandish. They do fit in with a reasonable amount being paid for the advertisements. There is suppose to be a low $2 payout minimum, I would try it as a free member until the first payout is reached and then decide about upgrading.
The Whois information for a website lists the owner and their contact information. The Whois information for "Upbux" is public which is generally a good thing. This indicates the owner of this site has nothing to hide.
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